rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1was updated by Lar Van Der JagtTuesday Aug 19
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rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1was updated by mrflip 01:35 PM ticket -
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1was updated by mrflip 01:31 PM ticket -
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1was updated by Lar Van Der Jagt 01:25 PM ticket -
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1was updated by mrflip 01:19 PM ticket -
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1 was updated by Lar Van Der Jagt 10:13 AM ticket
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1 was updated by mrflip 09:44 AM ticket
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1 was updated by mrflip 09:44 AM ticket
rake spec:plugin fails on rails 2.1 was created by Lar Van Der Jagt 03:07 AM ticket
HAML Templates: Pro or Conwas updated by Lar Van Der Jagt 02:31 AM ticket -
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by mrflip
Monday Aug 18
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using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by mrflip 10:44 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by Brian Evans 10:05 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by Brian Evans 10:02 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by Brian Evans 09:48 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by Brian Evans 09:46 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by mrflip 09:00 AM ticket
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by mrflip 08:55 AM ticket
acts_as_state_machine neededwas updated by mrflip 08:46 AM ticket -
acts_as_state_machine needed was created by cbs
Sunday Aug 17
ticket -
HAML Templates: Pro or Conwas updated by Zach Inglis 06:48 PM ticket -
HAML Templates: Pro or Conwas updated by mrflip 06:46 PM ticket -
“not a valid constant name” errorswas updated by cbs 01:43 PM ticket -
“not a valid constant name” errorswas updated by mrflip 12:45 PM ticket -
“not a valid constant name” errorswas updated by cbs 12:32 PM ticket -
Problems with rspec stories was updated by SideBurns
Thursday Aug 14
ticket -
using http basic authentication with ... was created by Brian Evans 05:38 PM ticket
HAML Templates: Pro or Conwas updated by mrflip 12:27 PM ticket -
“not a valid constant name” errorswas updated by mrflip 12:26 PM ticket -
activation email template broken in edgerails was updated by mrflip 12:24 PM ticket
Problems with rspec stories was updated by mrflip 12:23 PM ticket
Problems with rspec stories was created by SideBurns 10:46 AM ticket
activation email template broken in edgerails was updated by Lewis Hoffman
Wednesday Aug 13
ticket -
activation email template broken in edgerails was updated by Lewis Hoffman 11:20 AM ticket
activation email template broken in edgerails was updated by Lewis Hoffman 11:08 AM ticket
activation email template broken in e... was created by Lewis Hoffman 11:07 AM ticket
“not a valid constant name” errors was updated by mrflip
Friday Aug 08
ticket -
“not a valid constant name” errors was created by mrflip 03:38 PM ticket
HAML Templates: Pro or Con was created by mrflip 03:17 PM ticket
Home was created by mrflip 03:16 PM page
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Restful Authentication Generator
This widely-used plugin provides a foundation for securely managing user
* Login / logout
* Secure password handling
* Account activation by validating email
* Account approval / disabling by admin
* Rudimentary hooks for authorization and access control.